Photo: The Town Meeting warrant is open for business
The chance to have your say before this year’s Town Meeting is underway as the Select Board voted Monday, Feb. 8, to open the meeting’s Warrant for the next two weeks.
“We’re doing is allowing resident to … submit warrant articles through citizens’ petitions or soliciting the Select Board to act,” said Roy Epstein, the Board’s chair.
The warrant was opened at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 9 and will close on Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 3 p.m.
There is already a long list of articles that have been submitted by the town and its departments, 23 in total as of Monday. The articles will be debated and voted during the first session of Town Meeting which will convene in late April or early May.
Just a few of the non-standing articles include:
- Establishing Indigenous Peoples’ Day
- The acceptance of Oakmont Lane as a public way
- A resolution to the legislature to revise the state’s gas law to allow communities to approve fossil fuel free new residential construction
- A sanitary sewage easement for 100 Common St.
- Disposition of property at 92 Trapelo Rd.
- Lease of a cell tower at 780 Concord Ave.
- A bylaw to limit/restrict leaf blower use
- Changes to the Belmont Light Board governance
Patrice Garvin, Belmont’s town administrator, said it’s likely that more articles will be forwarded from elected and standing committees and boards seeking the Select Board’s help in placing articles in the warrant.
“It’s not just time for citizens’ petitions,” said Garvin.
Since the warrant will be open , it’s time to change the select board # of members. It has been clear with the recent decisions and state of the town that Adam Dash and Town Administrator are running the show. They rule by intimidation and wreck less disregard for what’s good for the town. Adam wants the best for every position in town, well let’s change the towns laws and open the select board to out of town , out of state individuals who I’m sure we’ll find more qualified then what we have. This group we have seem to think there experts in all phases of the town from trash to public safety, rinks to allowing the right businesses in town. It amazes me why we even have town employees or Department Heads. Select board and Town Administrator do it all and know it all. With 80+ years being in town, I have never seen such private , hidden agendas go on. The professionalism of this board and TA is minimal. Dismissive to all who object them and even disgraceful to each other when In disagreement amongst them. I’m hoping the citizens join in my call for this administration to step down and allow the town to heal. This override will not go through because of your actions