Photo: Belmont Town Meeting in action.
The Belmont League of Women Voters and Warrant Committee is co-sponsoring the annual warrant briefing to acquaint Town Meeting members with the non-financial articles on the Town Meeting warrant.
The meeting will take place Monday evening, April 23 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Beech Street Center, 266 Beech St. This is an opportunity for Town Meeting members and the general public to ask questions of town officials and department heads concerning any of the warrant articles prior to the 2018 Town Meeting beginning in one week on Monday, April 30
Warrant Committee Chair Roy Epstein will preside.
Two points of clarification. The 4/23 briefing will include only the non-financial articles. There will be a second briefing on 5/21 for the TM starting on 5/30.
Also, the briefing is open to the public but questions are limited to coming from TMMs because the point is for them to become informed to participate in the discussion at Town Meeting.
Roy Epstein
Chair, Warrant Committee