Photo: 252 Common St. Belmont.
A weekly recap of residential properties sold in the past seven-plus days in the “Town of Homes.”
• 33 Evergreen Way. Brick and frame Colonial (1967). Sold: $1,260,000. Listed at $1,199,000. Living area: 3,337 sq.-ft. 9 rooms, 5 bedrooms, 3-full, 2-partial baths. On the market: 88 days.
• 21 Garfield Rd. Colonial (1937). Sold: $1,320,000. Listed at $1,195,000. Living area: 2,506 sq.-ft. 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. On the market: 53 days.
• 53 Upland Rd. Bungalow (1920). Sold: $600,000. Listed at $569,000. Living area: 1,475 sq.-ft. 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 1 baths. On the market: 46 days.
• 692 Pleasant St. An antique single-family in the Italianate style (1851). Sold: $895,000. Listed at $895,000. Living area: 3,188 sq.-ft. 12 rooms, 6 bedrooms, 4.5 baths. On the market: 99 days.
• 2 Meadows Lane. Townhouse condominium (2011). Sold: $1,261,243. Listed at $1,274,748. Living area: 2,780 sq.-ft. 8 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. On the market: 117 days.
• 252 Common St. “Stately” Brick Colonial (1937). Sold: $929,000. Listed at $1,039,000. Living area: 2,634 sq.-ft. 10 rooms, 5 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. On the market: 321 days.
• 30 Harding Ave. First-floor condominium (1925). Sold: $438,500. Listed at $400,000. Living area: 1,165 sq.-ft. 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 1 baths. On the market: 49 days.
• 11 Thayer Rd. Condominium (1958). Sold: $229,900. Listed at $229,900. Living area: 650 sq.-ft. 4 rooms, 1 bedrooms, 1 baths. On the market: 55 days.
• 15 Thayer Rd. Condominium (1958). Sold: $210,000. Listed at $230,000. Living area: 612 sq.-ft. 4 rooms, 1 bedrooms, 1 baths. On the market: 83 days.
After weeks of a handful of properties changing hands, real estate salespeople and Realtors are cheering as potential buyers are getting off the fence and deciding to put their money where they want to live.
Of the nine residential properties that turned over last week, there were a couple of high-end Belmont Hill colonials – a beautiful 1930-era residence and a heavy, brick faux-Colonial with an out-of-place four-column overhang (awful) – in which each sold above its listed price.
On the other end of the income spectrum, three very affordable properties were sold, including one, a 600 square-foot essential (a bedroom, a kitchen, a bath and a living room) on Thayer Road in Waverley Square that went for slightly more than $200,000.
The real surprise is a house that actually is “stately” as described in the sales copy. Located between Hillcrest Road and Long Avenue (Realtors: Please stop calling this area Walnut Hill. I never heard anyone call the streets between Common and Goden from Orchard to Washington by that moniker.), this is a real beauty: Oak floors, lots of French doors, a restful enclosed patio, a curved interior staircase(!), an OK kitchen, a bricked driveway and a built-out attic. So how did this solid house fail to sell when it came on a supply-scarse market? Take a look how the list price just fall away like a Red Sox outfielder:
Original List Price: June, 2014: $1,039,000
July, 2014: $979,000
August 2014: $949,000
October 2014: $929,000.
Sales price: $929,000
After falling nearly $100,000 in four months, the owner draw the line in the sand and had to wait half-a-year before a buyer came by. If this property was on “the Hill,” it’s likely the Colonial would be kept more of its value. But being on a busy road and the “bigness” of the house could have put doubt in the minds of potential buyers.
A final note: a wonder old house on Pleasant Street sold this week, an 1850s antebellum house that once was the home of a son of the Little Brown Publishing founder. Yet would you be surprised if this treasure, but cramped, structure will soon see a “demolition” permit on the front door? It’s on a third of an acre of land in a desirable section of town. We’ll see.
The house at 692 Pleasant Street is in the Pleasant Street historic district and will not be torn down. Also, I don’t know why you list it as “on the market” for 99 days. It’s true that it didn’t close until May 1st, at the family’s request but in fact it sold the first weekend despite the snow. (I’m the executor for the late owner.)
Thanks for the information, Ms. Bass. The information on the number of days – always a squishy number – comes from the MLS data base. It’s nice to know this approximately 160-year-old house will be around for sometime to come.