Photo: Belmont’s new Board of Selectmen’s lineup (from left): Adam Dash, Chair Tom Caputo and Roy Epstein.
The Belmont Board of Selectmen’s early morning meeting on Wednesday, April 3 was short and to the point: Welcome aboard Roy Epstein the newest member of Belmont’s governing crew and then shuffle the deck chairs.
But first, as with all newly elected officials, Epstein, who won a razor-thin victory over Jessie Bennett at Tuesday’s annual Town Election, was given the town oath by Town Clerk Ellen Cushman and sign his name into the town register.
Upstairs in the Board of Selectmen’s Room, the newly constituted board elected Tom Caputo as the next chair of the selectmen for the coming board cycle which runs until the 2020 town election. Former Chair Adam Dash will be the vice chair.
Razor thin was Andy Rojas’ victory over Dan Sharfman. This was a narrow victory but a lot bigger than razor thin.