Photo: credit Portside
To the editor:
In the spring of 2015, Belmont residents voted for an override to better fund our schools and town infrastructure. Faced with rising budgets and kids with varied needs, we voted to increase our taxes. Other communities across the state have done the same. Massachusetts public schools remain the best in the country because of our dedicated teachers, administrators, kids, parents and taxpayers.
Now schools across Massachusetts face a new challenge: Ballot Question 2. This is a state-wide ballot initiative funded substantially by out-of-state billionaires. The initiative proposes to approve 12 new charter schools per year forever, with no limit on location within the state. Charter schools are publicly funded schools that are privately run with no local oversight. As a result, charter schools aren’t truly “public”: they don’t enroll as many differently-abled students or English language learners, yet the majority of their funding comes from diverting money from local school districts that are already struggling to make ends meet.
So far, the amount of money diverted from Belmont to charter schools has been relatively low ($31,284 projected for the fiscal year 2017), but with the ballot question placing no limits on location, we have no control over how much might be diverted from our schools in the future.
Please join me in voting No on 2 this November.
Mary Lewis
Randolph Street
The current law allows 40 new schools to be opened. There is no reason to raise the cap other than outside investors wanting to see growth opportunity. Unfortunately, their business model requires draining public schools in precisely the places that attract charters. The mayor of Boston, who is not against charters on principle, is opposed to Question 2 because he knows it will be a net drain on the BPS schools.
There are plenty of minority supporters of No on 2, by the way. Tito Jackson in Boston has been a major spokesperson for No on 2. Here is a different visual:
We all know that poorer communities and minority communities benefit the most from Charter Schools. The picture above seems a fair representation of Boston, Worcester or Springfield constituents.