Photo: A pay-by-plate kiosk in Pittsburgh.
In an effort help to increase on-street parking turnover and availability for shoppers in Belmont Center, drivers parking along Leonard Street will need more than just change in their pockets; they’ll need to remember their license plate number.
According to a press release from the town dated Friday, March 10, Pay-By-License-Plate parking stations will go into effect in Belmont Center on March 27, primarily along Leonard Street.
The stations, currently under wraps, were installed this past fall. The new system goes into effect about a month before the opening of Foodie’s Urban Market, the popular grocery which is expected to increase parking demand in Belmont’s principal business center.
The new multi-space meters will allow for 30 minutes of free parking and the ability to pay for up to an additional hour for a total of 90 minutes of parking per day on Leonard Street. The stations will accept cash and credit card payments.
Patrons will be required to input their license plate number even if they intend to only take advantage of the 30-minute free period.
Here is a video from Deerfield Beach, Florida (with Jim “Chiefy” Mathie, the local dive shop owner) on how to use the system.
Parking in the Claflin Street Municipal Parking lot, located behind Leonard Street, will continue to offer two free hour parking spaces, as well as metered parking spaces – which were installed in August 2015 – for a dollar per hour. Credit card and cash payments are accepted.
Parking by plate number was first installed in Calgary, Canada in September 2007 and in Denver in 2008. The largest US pay-by-plate program is in Pittsburgh which has installed 800-plus terminals.
Hi Franklin – so if I understand this right I need to input my license plate # even if I am going to be <30 min.
How will the system know if after 2 hours I move my car to another spot? Does this mean you can only park your car once a day for 2 hours?
Yes, you need to add your “tag” into the system even when all you want to do is take advantage of the half hour of free parking.
Yes, I believe you will have a 2 1/2 hour limit on parking on Leonard St.
What about handicap tags?
I assume they are exempt?