Photo: Massachusetts Rivers Alliance Executive Director Julia Blatt presents State Rep. Dave Rogers with River Friend Award. (photo by Mark P. Smith)
The Massachusetts Rivers Alliance recognized Belmont State Rep. Dave Rogers with a “River Friend” award for his outstanding contributions to the restoration and protection of the Commonwealth’s rivers during the alliance’s annual meeting in Belmont.
Although only in his first term, Rogers played a key role in allowing water reform rules to continue to move forward this year, despite opposition by some legislators. The new rules, developed by the Patrick administration over five years with the help of a large stakeholder group, will improve protection for dry rivers throughout the state.
“Rep. Rogers understood what was at stake and quickly jumped in to save this initiative,” said Julia Blatt, Massachusetts Rivers Alliance’s executive director.
“He knew just what to do, and didn’t hesitate to stand up for our rivers. We are grateful to him for his quick action.”
Rogers was recognized along with his State House colleagues, state Rep. Carolyn Dykema and state Sen. Jamie Eldridge. Longtime Ipswich River advocate and Alliance founder Kerry Mackin, was also honored.
The Massachusetts Rivers Alliance is a nonprofit organization that protects and restores the Commonwealth’s rivers of and provides a unified voice for river protection in the state. Founded in 2007, the Alliance mobilizes and coordinates its members on issues including water pollution, stream flow, and wildlife habitat.
Heaven knows that without the perseverance and commitment of Dave Rogers, we never would have seen this accomplished. So thrilled that he sees a reason to preserve God’s gifts for future generations and I hope everyone out there gives him a well deserved high five and praise.