Photo: Design of the two proposals for courts at Winn Brook
The Belmont Recreation Commission will host a second public ZOOM meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 10, at 6 p.m., via Zoom, to discuss and solicit feedback on the Community Preservation Act (CPA) request to add additional tennis court/courts at Winn Brook Playground.
The court/courts would be added in the area between Joey’s Park playground and the existing tennis courts, to add one to two additional courts. See designs below.
There is a need for additional court/courts to meet the requirements of the Belmont High School tennis program that will utilize the Winn Brook courts for practices and matches. The additional court/courts will also add to the available courts for the public when not being utilized by the High School program.

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Weren’t these tennis courts promised to the high school tennis program, when they demolished the courts at the high school for some other use at the new school grounds?
Any consideration into using Grove St tennis courts and/or refurbishing them for a cheaper alternative.. Pretty concerned that this is going to be an issue due to the behind the back dealings the Town Administrator and chairman of select board did with spending money on a skating ring/tennis court project that came to light this week. They went ahead and spent money town doesn’t have on their own will. Once again showing they are uncontrollable and do as they wish. Time for town members to vote override down, remove the Town Administrator and any select board member running their own agenda. Let remind these individuals they have to answer to the taxpayers. Since this administration started around 3 years ago , the town has spiraled out of control, with these few individuals thinking they have full control for their agendas only. Town was much better run by previous TA.