Photo: Drop off Halloween pumpkins this Saturday
Let’s keep all those Halloween pumpkins away from the landfills!
The Great Pumpkin Rescue – sponsored by Belmont Helps along with the Butler School and Winn Brook School PTA’s – will take place Saturday, Nov. 7, between 11 a.m. to noon.

Drop off your pumpkins and gourds at a pair of drop off choices:
- Winn Brook Elementary School back along Sherman Street, or
- Butler Elementary School at the front entrance at 90 White St.
Please wear face coverings and maintain six-feet social distancing during the drop-off. Drivers should open their trunks so volunteers can remove pumpkins and any donations.
- Pumpkins and gourds of any size will be accepted.
- Remove candles/tea lights.
- Pumpkins with paint, glitter or bling will NOT be accepted. If you can cut those pieces off, Black Earth Compost will accept the rest.
- Black Earth Compost will pick up that afternoon.
In addition and optional, we will be collecting spare change and financial donations for Belmont Helps to use for families in need of groceries and resources.
Cash, check or Go Fund donations are welcome.
What a great idea! Everybody wins!