Photo: Scene from The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily
The 18th annual Belmont World Film’s Family Festival will take place completely online, enabling audience members to view these wonderful films in the comfort and safety of their own homes.
Fifteen different film programs, three workshops on model making of either Gromit or Shaun the Sheep, and a Junior Film Critic Workshop led by Joyce Kulhawik and the Boston Globe’s Ty Burr, plus several live Q&A’s with filmmakers! Check out the entire festival at
Once you start a film, you will have 48 hours to finish it. All but three film programs (“Fahim, the Little Chess Prince”, “Forward” and “Hungry Bear Tales”) are available for streaming for the full 10 days – Friday, Jan. 15 at 10 a.m. to Sunday, Jan. 24 at 7 p.m. The only other timed events are the workshops and the Q&As with filmmakers.
Space is limited in the workshops, so make sure you sign up in advance.

The Family Film Festival – held around the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday in mid-January – is a must-attend event for families with children ages 3-12, offering some of the world’s most significant films for children that provide a window into the lives of children around the world as well as filmmaking workshops that will entertain and enrich your children’s lives. Since most films are based on international children’s books and feature subtitles, it helps children develop a love of books and helps increase reading fluency.
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