Residents Turned-In 67 Firearms at Gun Buyback Saturday

A total of 62 guns were turned into the Belmont Police during the town’s first gun buyback event held this past Saturday, May 31, according to Belmont Police Chief Richard McLaughlin.

McLaughlin said a variety of firearms were accepted including, rifles, shotguns, pistols and a sawed-off 12 gauge shotgun.

Officers are investigating the possibility that two firearms were previously reported as stolen.

Belmont Police, in partnership with the Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office, Belmont Religious Council and individual Belmont houses of worship, held the event – which took place at the town’s DPW Yard on C Street – to allow Belmont residents a safe way to dispose of unwanted firearms and ammunition.

All firearms turned in at the gun buyback were turned over to the Massachusetts State Police to be destroyed.

Gift cards to local grocery stores were exchanged for the firearms from donations made by residents, local businesses and houses of worship including the Belmont Religious Council which raised nearly $5,000. Approximately $2,600 in left over grocery gift cards will be donated to the Belmont Food Pantry.

“This event demonstrates the accomplishments that can be achieved when members of the community and law enforcement partner together to work towards a common goal,” said McLaughlin.

“Reducing the number of unwanted firearms in the community addresses important public safety and public health issues,” said Jean Dickenson chair and founder of the Belmont Gun Buyback Committee, also thanking the Belmont Religious Council, Belmont Police Department, members of the Gun Buyback Committee, individual faith communities and local businesses and individuals who supported the program.

The Belmont houses of worship co-sponsoring the event included All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Belmont-Watertown United Methodist Church, Beth-El Temple Center, First Baptist Church of Belmont, The First Church in Belmont, UU, Plymouth Congregational Church and St. Joseph & St. Luke Collaborative Parishes.

“With more than 31,000 fatalities and 74,000 firearms-related injuries across the country each year, giving residents a way to safely dispose of these unwanted firearms makes all our communities safer,” said Middlesex Sheriff Peter Koutoujian.

If residents have questions regarding the gun Buyback Program or would like information on what to do with unwanted and unused firearms and ammunition please contact Belmont Police Lt. Kristin Daley at 617-993-2554 or via email at

Fundraising Site Established for Victims of the Marlboro Street Fire

A Fundly account (that is an online fundraising site) has been established for the victims of the Marlboro Street fire who were left homeless and without belongings from the blaze that took place just after midnight, Wednesday, May 21.

“Please donate to help our neighbors get back on their feet,” reads the message on the web site.

According to a message on the web page which was created by Daniel Parmer:

“The 9 (sic) residents escaped without injury, with nothing but the clothes on their back and no insurance to help recover what was lost. We are reaching out to our neighbors and the Greater Boston community to request your generous contribution to this fund. Donations will be distributed solely and equally amongst the displaced tenants to help them purchase essentials, find a new place to live, and begin to restore their lives.”

“We are the Belmont Corner Neighborhood Association and we believe it is our responsibility to help the members of our community. Please join us in supporting our neighbors.”

Marlboro Street Triple-Decker Destroyed in Three-Alarm Blaze

A three-alarm fire that began just after midnight in a triple-decker at 58 Marlboro St. destroyed the century-old structure leaving the owner and two sets of tenants homeless, according to Belmont Fire Chief David Frizzell.

The nine residents of the building escaped the blaze uninjured.

The cause of the fire is unknown at this time and is under investigation, said Frizzell.

A 911 call came into BFD headquarters at 12:30 a.m., Wednesday, May 21, for a fire at the address near the Cambridge town line and Belmont Cemetery, Frizzell told the Belmontonian at the scene.

The blaze quickly turned into a inferno in the rear of the 3,850 square-foot building built in 1900 with heat so hot it melted the vinyl-siding of the house with the adjoining backyard and started fires in the adjacent structures.

At the height of the incident, seven engines and three ladder trucks fought the fire that was finally under control at 2:45 a.m.

“And we are still chasing hot spots now,” said Frizzell at 5:45 a.m.

The structure, in which the rear section has essentially burned away, “is a complete loss. There’s nothing that can be salvaged,” he noted.

Mutual aid in the form of fire apparatus from Cambridge and Watertown helped fight the blaze while Newton, Winchester and Somerville fire departments covered Belmont during the fire.

In addition, five private vehicles were destroyed in the flames.

“This was a pretty big fire,” said Frizzell who was still at the site this morning.

Middlesex DA Contributes to Hometown’s After Graduation Party

Middlesex County District Attorney (and Belmont resident) Marian Ryan came by Belmont High School Friday, May 16, to contribute to funding a substance-free, after-prom and graduation party for seniors.

Belmont and 11 other school districts applied for and received $500 from the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office to help defray expenses associated with all-night after-graduation parties, senior picnics and a graduation cruise hosted by these schools.

“We want it to be marked by wonderful celebrations and terrific memories that will last a lifetime, not by a preventable tragedy,” said Ryan. “We support our schools’ efforts to organize substance-free post-prom and graduation events to ensure everyone has a happy and safe time as they celebrate this important milestone and all that they have accomplished.”

And it’s not too late to join Ryan and contribute to the all-night party. Funding for the party comes primarily from donations from junior and senior class families. This funding allows us to keep the ticket price for the party affordable and within reach for every graduating student. 

Please consider donating today by going to the brand new All Night Party website or by sending a check to: All Night Party Committee, 73 Fairmont Street, Belmont MA 02478.

Belmont Police Release Information on Level 3 Sex Offender

According to state requirements on community notification, the Belmont Police Department has released information on Belmont’s only Level 3 sex offender.

“[R]egistered sex offender and Belmont resident Carl Peterson is moving to 108 Clark Lane,” read the announcement released April 30.

Peterson and his family currently reside on Barnard Road. 

According to additional information provided by Belmont Police, it appears Peterson will be working from home. 

“This offender is not wanted by the police at this time and has served the sentence imposed on him by the court,” the announcement said. “This notification is not intended to increase fear in the community. It is the belief of law enforcement that an informed public is a safe public.”

According to the state’s Sex Offender Registry Board, a level 3 classification is placed on an individual who the Board has determined in which “the risk of reoffense is high and the degree of dangerousness posed to the public is such that a substantial public safety interest is served by active dissemination.”

Last September, Peterson made headlines across the country when he suddenly spoke about his status and the fear he brought to Belmont at a community forum held by police and county law enforcement officials when it was learned that Peterson had become a resident.

Belmont Fire Report: ‘Friendly’ Fire and Lots of Gas Leaks

Fire pit cooking cancelled

On April 20 at about 4:30 p.m., crews were sent to Dean Street for the report of an outside fire. Turns out that a resident was cooking on a fire pit he dug in his backyard. He was told that the fire department frowns on this activity. The homeowner put out the offending fire.

Their own marathon

It wasn’t only runners who had a marathon last Monday, April 21: Belmont firefighters were sent to Homer Road in Newton at 5:30 a.m. to support Newton Fire during the Boston Marathon. They finally got home just after 7 p.m.

Quick gas work

On April 22 just before 9 a.m., fire crews located in the Headquarters station crossed Trapelo Road to the VFW Hall for a gas leak.

Heat’s on and so is gas

Also on April 22, this time at 22 minutes past 4 p.m., firefighters were sent to a child care facility on Belmont Street as employees said there was a slight odor of gas when the heating system came on. The gas company responded to the employees’ call and the system was shut down.

Permits needed for welding 

A bit after a quarter past 11 a.m. on April 24, Ladder 1 was called to 350 Prospect St. regarding possible welding on a building under construction at the Belmont Hill School off of Prospect Street. With the tragedy of two Boston firefighters who died by a blaze started by welding sparks, the Belmont firefighters investigated and informed the contractor of town permitting requirements for welding operations. All the contractors on the site agreed to comply with Belmont’s requirements before any further welding commences.

Appliance out of whack

Also on April 24, at a quarter past noon, Belmont fire crews were sent to a two family on Linden Ave. for a problem with an appliance. Firefighters were met by a National Grid representative who said the kitchen range/oven was defective as a high level of natural gas (500 parts-per-million) was found in the area. The unit was shut down. The resident who called said the only CO detector in the building was one National Grid left the last time they came by for a problem.

Putting out ‘friendly” fire

On April 25 at about 9:30 p.m., Engine 2 responded to a house on Thomas Street for a reported outside fire. On arrival a “friendly” fire was at the rear of the house. The resident was informed of the fire regulations and that a complaint had been made. He agreed to and preceded to extinguish the fire.

Natural gas on the street

On April 26 just before 9 p.m., Engine 1 was dispatched to Payson Road to investigate the outside odor of natural gas. Crews from Engine 1 reported a slight odor of natural gas that was intermittent in the air in front of the above address. They also found gas company markings on the street. Neighbors report that an odor has been present for several months and the gas company has previously investigated. The fire commander requested the gas company be notified and respond to the scene.

Murder Suspect from Belmont Surrenders to Law Enforcement

Olmsted Drive’s Domingo Mendes, who faces a murder charge for killing a popular Waltham High School student on March 20, surrendered to Waltham Police on Thursday, April 17, according to a press release from Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan and Waltham Police Chief Keith MacPherson.

Mendes, 22, accompanied by his attorney, turned himself in on an outstanding warrant for murder, possession of a firearm, and conspiracy to violate the drug laws.

He is expected to be arraigned Friday, April 18, in Waltham District Court.

Authorities had previously arrested Taylor Poulin, 21, of Newton, in connection with the shooting.

According to court papers, Mendes is charged with killing Tyler Zanco, a Waltham High senior and wrestling captain, was shot shortly after 10 p.m. in the Gardencrest Apartments parking lot on Middlesex Circle in Waltham during a confrontation in the midst of a drug exchange.