This Week: Lots to Do Throughout the Next Five Days in Belmont

On the government side of This Week:

  • The Belmont Board of Selectmen is meeting Monday, Feb. 23 at 7 p.m. at Town Hall to speak to State Rep. Dave Rogers and to hear a request for a beer and wine license at Jimmy’s Food Mart (the former Shore Drug site) near the corner of School and Belmont streets.
  • The Zoning Board of Appeals is in session on Monday, Feb. 23 at 7 p.m. in the Belmont Gallery of Art, third floor of the Homer Building, Town Hall complex, where it will take up a special permit for a family day-care center on Ridge Road and permission to allow construction parking on the Belmont Uplands.
  • The Belmont School Committee is meeting Tuesday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. at the Chenery Middle School where they will discuss the specific classes and positions where 22 full-time staff and teachers will be cut to meet a possible $1.7 million deficit under the current fiscal ’16 available revenue budget.
  • The Planning Board is holding a public meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. in Town Hall on several potential zoning by-law changes including a moratorium on “McMansions” in the Shaw Estates neighborhood near the Grove Street Playground and to allow single-family homes on lots of less than 5,000 sq.-ft. lots in general residence (GR) districts. If the Board can not finish the meeting on Wednesday, it will continue on Thursday, Feb. 26.
  • The Capital Budget Committee will discuss its fiscal 2016 list of goodies on Thursday, Feb. 26 at 5 p.m. in Town Hall.

• The Belmont Farmers Market planning meeting will be taking place in the Flett Room of the Belmont Public Library from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 23

• The Beech Street Center presents Richard J. Castino will present a video and speak on Tuesday, Feb. 24 at 1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. about how a home can be modified to allow elders and those with physical challenges to remain independent and safe. Castino is a licensed construction supervisor in Watertown, who is a Certified Aging in Place Specialist, a designation from the National Association of Homebuilders.

• The Belmont Art Association will be holding its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 24 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Belmont Public Library’s Flett Room.

• The fifth-seed Belmont High School Girls’ Basketball team (14-6) will host Danvers in the first-round of the MIAA Div. 2 North sectional championships on Tuesday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. in the Wenner Field House.

• The Belmont Historical Society presents McLean Hospital archivist Terry Alan Bragg for a talk on “The History of McLean Hospital” in the Assembly Room of the Belmont Public Library on Wednesday, Feb. 25, at 7:30 p.m. 

• The Belmont High School Boys’ Hoopsters will take on Winchester (for the third time this season) at the Wenner Field House on Wednesday, Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. in the first round of the first-round of the MIAA Div. 2 North sectional championships

• The Belmont Stormwater Working Group is meeting on Thursday, Feb. 26 at 7 p.m. in the Belmont Public Library’s Flett Room. 

Belmont Police Lt. Kristin Daley will shares information about protecting yourself from financial predators at the Beech Street Center on Friday, Feb. 27 at 1 p.m. 

• The Belmont Public Library is holding its monthly OTAKUrabu program. Watch anime, do a craft/activity, plan for future events and nibble on some Japanese snacks (while they last – they’ll go fast) on Friday, Feb. 27 from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Assembly Room. Provided to you for free, thanks to the Friends of the Belmont Public Library. Just drop in, no registration required.

The 4th-ranked Watertown/Belmont high schools combined Girls’ Ice Hockey team (18-3-1) will host the winner of the Andover/Billerica preliminary round match on Saturday, Feb. 28 at the Ryan Rink in Watertown. What time? They aren’t saying just yet.

Belmont Teen Arrested by Boston Police on Gun Charges

Photo: The weapon recovered by Boston Police allegedly in the possession of a Belmont teen who is currently under arrest.

An 18-year-old Belmont resident was arrested by Boston Police early Saturday morning, Feb. 21, on gun charges after allegedly threatening a group of young people on the street with a high-caliber handgun.

Kenneth Madden, 18, was attested by Boston Police officers assigned to the Youth Violence Strike Force on Dudley Street at around 2:27 a.m. after he allegedly threatened a group of young people with a gun. After witnessing a group of about 20 young people running from what appeared to be an altercation, officers were told a young man had pointed a weapon at them.

Officers saw Madden, who matched the description given by witnesses, allegedly place “something” inside a car while in the company of several individuals who “appeared to have been involved in an altercation given the fact that several appeared to be bruised and bleeding,” according the police incident report.

A search of the vehicle enabled officers to locate and seize a loaded firearm – identified later as a Sig Sauer SP2022 Semi-automatic – under the front driver’s seat.

Madden is charged with Unlawful Possession of Firearm, Unlawful Possession of Ammunition, Possession of Firearm with Altered Serial Number, Possession of a Loaded Firearm and Possession of a High Capacity Feeding Device.

As of Sunday, the Suffolk County District Attorney has not said when Madden will appear in District Court.

Belmont Boys’, Girls’ Hoops Begin Sectional Playoffs With Home Games

Both the Belmont Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball teams will begin the 2015 Div. 2 North sectional playoffs with home games as the Marauders squads have secured top seeds.

The fifth-ranked Girls (14-6) will take on Danvers (10-10), the 12th and final seed in the tournament in a first-round game at Wenner Field House on Tuesday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. 

If the Marauders advance, they will take on 4th-seed Bedford (14-6) in the quarterfinals on Thursday, Feb. 26 at 7 p.m. at Bedford in a rematch of their game last week in the Spartan Tournament in Lynn where Belmont used a 26-point second quarter to defeat the Buccaneers, 61-48.

The Marauders are in the same half of the tournament as undefeated Watertown (18-0) which they would meet in the semi-finals.

The sixth-ranked Boys (15-7) will start the playoffs meeting meeting 11th-seed Winchester (12-8) for the third time – having won the two previous games – this season at the Wenner on Wednesday, Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. By winning, the Marauders will take on the winner of the third-seed Tewksbury and either Melrose or Gloucester who meet in a preliminary game.

Belmont’s Battle of the Snow Now Turns to Potholes and Sidewalks

Photo: The sidewalk leading to the commuter rail station along Concord Avenue in Belmont Center. 

It was bad enough Belmont resident Christina Long had to suffer through stoppages and delays to the MBTA commuter rail system due to the four snow storms that passed through the region in the past month.

She didn’t think it should be as much of a struggle just getting to the Belmont Center station.

Not only did Long need to maneuver through and around sidewalks on residential streets still filled with some of the seven feet of snow that fell on Belmont, she also found walkways on municipal property untouched including the path she uses to reach the station.

“It is amazing that this is the center of town at a busy train station,” Long said after showing a series of photos of her journey to the station.

“What about the regulation that sidewalks need to be cleared of snow? And yesterday when I went for a run, I could not believe that the sidewalk along Concord [Avenue] on the high school property was unplowed,” said Long.

“Why can I not commute to work or go for a run in safety? Has the town government all gone to Florida for the February recess?” she said.


According to town officials, resources are continuing to be marshaled to make a dent in clearing away snow to allow pedestrians and drivers to travel around Belmont.

“We are currently doing that right now,” said Jay Marcotte, the new Department of Public Work’s Director whose has spent about half of his time since starting the job in January leading the town’s effort to clear snow.

Municipal crews are targeting crosswalks, handicap parking spots, paths and 0ther areas that residents use to get around, said Town Administrator David Kale. The teams are using large and small snow plows as well as shovels to reach a growing number of trouble spots around town.

“Residents know that there are lots of places that need clearing,” said Kale.

Belmont is not alone in literally being snowed under by the four storms – with a fifth forecasted to arrive on Wednesday, Feb. 25; Every municipality in eastern Massachusetts has been straining to get out from under the snowiest 30 day period on record with approximately 90 inches on the ground.

In addition to the DPW’s effort, town inspectors from the Office of Community Development have been enforcing compliance of the town’s municipal snow removal bylaw in the business districts, said Kale.

But Long remains skeptical officials are doing all it can in removing snow from town property.

“How can the town enforce the wonderful snow removal law when they don’t clean their own sidewalks?” she said.

“The lack of clean sidewalks not only affects me and other commuters walking to the train station but it also impacts all the kids walking to school or the library. We are forced to walk on the road,” she said.

And while the town has been successful in making main and side streets passable within 36 hours, it’s difficult to reach every trouble point with the DPW’s Highway Division staff.

The piles of snow has also impacted businesses in Belmont’s three commercial hubs – Belmont Center, Waverley and Cushing squares – as a white wall of now solid slush is hampering commerce.

According to Gerry Dickhaut, owner of Champions Sporting Goods, and president of the Belmont Center Business Association, snow “is overwhelming in the center, it has become a hazard and a safety issue especially to the elderly, the sidewalks are very narrow, crossing the street is dangerous as drivers don’t see the pedestrians with the snow mounds so high.”

Dickhaut said the association of more than two dozen businesses urged the DPW to use its heavy equipment and remove the snow to allow for greater customer access to stores, restaurants, and shops.


That was one request that the town can not accommodate.

“We’re trying to keep up with the problem, but there is a resource issue,” said Kale. While Belmont is doing its best, “Simply put, removing snow from the business districts would be very expensive and time [intensive],” said Kale.

Money is an ever-present concern with the number and severity of the storms so far this year.

Kale said the town’s $600,000 snow removal budget was $175,000 in the red after the first two storms. He can not say the current deficit because the town has yet to tally the bills from the last pair of blizzards.

“We need to be watchful” of how the town is spending, said Kale. The town has approximately $400,000 in reserves that can be used to fill the growing expenditure gap.

Even the town’s success in pushing the snow off the roads has a downside as a field of potholes have emerged on many well-traveled streets. Attempting to travel along Concord Avenue near the library or through Cushing Square have become a game of chicken between the driver and the deep depressions in the road.


“They aren’t potholes,” said one Belmont residents who had traveled on Trapelo Road. “They’re a realignment waiting to happen.”

Marcotte said the DPW has “on our radar” the “real, real bad” potholes around town and emergency repairs will be done. Once the weather “cooperates, we’ll have two crews out” making repairs, said Michael Santoro, the Highway Division’s manager. That would include dry weather and moderating temperatures.

The good news is that some of the most noticeable depressions are in areas that will be completely renovated due to roadway projects; the Trapelo/Belmont project that is now entering Cushing Square and the Belmont Center Reconstruction beginning this spring.

For residents who wish to report a problem or request a repair can call the main DPW number at 617-993-2680 or go online to fill out a detailed request form.

Siberian Cold to Envelop Belmont Friday with Lows Below Zero

Records will be broken tomorrow morning as dangerous cold that originated in Siberia will barrel into Belmont Thursday night and last until Saturday morning.

The National Weather Service issued a Wind Chill Advisory at 4:42 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 19, for eastern Massachusetts from 3 a.m. to 10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 20 as the wind chill index is likely to reach -15 to -24 degrees.

Low temperatures Friday morning will be at or below zero with winds up to 14 to 18 mph, with gusts as high as 36 mph.

Frostbite can develop in just 30 minutes with a wind chill index of -20. If you are heading outdoors, dress in layers and wear a hat and gloves.

The arctic cold will leave the region Saturday and by Sunday, highs will range near 40 degrees with rain expected most of the day. But by Monday night, even colder temperatures could be arriving.

Sold in Belmont: Century-Old Two Family Only Sale during Snowy Week

Photo: Two family on Hull Street.

A weekly recap of residential properties sold in the past seven days in the “Town of Homes.”

 60 Hull St. Multi-family (1930) Sold: $607,000. Listed at $625,000. Living area: 2,432 sq.-ft. 11 rooms, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths. On the market: 126 days.

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The Voice of Belmont: When the Town Wants You to Know, Dan MacAuley is On the Call

There are some people whose voice you immediately associated with a place or time.

The voice of the Fenway Park for old-timers will always be Sherm Feller while recent generations remember the late Carl Beame.

Cantankerous Johnny Most is still the radio heart of the Boston Celtics.

And the voice of Belmont is a life-long resident you’ve heard a great deal in the past month.

“This is Dan MacAuley of the Belmont Police Department.”

Since the first of nearly a dozen calls since the last week of January when the first of four major snow storms began, adults reactively begin reaching for shovels and students leaping for joy as MacAuley’s unmistakable Boston accent rattles off yet another list of snow emergencies, parking bans and school cancellations over the phone.

Turns out MacAuley is a natural for the job.

“Believe it or not, I usually get it done in one or two takes,” MacAuley told the Belmontonian.

“I’m pretty hard on myself, and if it’s not close to perfect, I’ll do it again,” he said.

And when you come to think about it, MacAuley is a perfect person to represent the voice of a town living here nearly all of his life.

MacAuley has lived 53 of my 55 years in Belmont, straying only to Waltham for two years after marrying his wife, Jackie.

“I grew up on Sherman Street and attended the Winn Brook School, the Chenery Middle School, and graduated from Belmont High School in 1978,” said MacAuley, who went on to obtain his Associates Degree in Criminal Justice from Middlesex Community College.

His involvement in town began when he was elected to Town Meeting while still a high school student (where he is a member of the school’s Hall of Fame.) You have likely seen MacAuley selling Christmas tree during the holiday season at the Lions Club where he is a past president.

He has also led the Belmont Boosters Club (past president and treasurer) and Belmont Recreation Committee (past chair).

He and Jackie have a son, Danny, a senior at Adelphi University on Long Island, and Katie, their daughter who is a junior at Belmont High School.

“I have only had two jobs in my life,” he said; working part time at the First National Grocery store in Belmont Center until it closed in the early 1980’s then being hired – along with current Belmont Police Sgt. Kevin Shea – as one of the first full-time police dispatchers in August, 1982.

In his four decades on the force, MacAuley has worked as a police dispatcher, fire alarm operator, communications supervisor, and now 9-1-1 Operations Manager where he is in charge of the entire dispatch center that includes eight full-time dispatchers, a full-time communications supervisor and three per-diem dispatchers.

It was through his involvement in selecting the present company, Blackboard Connect, which runs the town’s “Community Notification System” (similar to the popular “Reverse 9-1-1” operation which is a trademark term of a competing company) that he became the town’s “voice.”

“When they were chosen [in July 2008], [Belmont Police] Chief [Richard] McLaughlin asked me to be the coordinator and voice of the program,” MacAuley said.

Scheduled calls are approved by Town Administrator David Kale, Police Chief McLaughlin or Fire Chief David Frizzell while emergency notifications are sent out with the approval of the Police Officer or Fire Captain in charge.

Approximately 11,000 residents, businesses, and employees are contacted by MacAuley for weather-related issues, missing people bulletins, road closures, power outages and small items such what streets will have their hydrants flushed.

And in the past month, MacAuley has been coming into Belmont homes at a rapid clip due to snow emergencies, school closings and whether residents’ trash will be picked up on its scheduled days.

With that exposure has come a bit of notoriety.

“When I am around and about, and people see the name tag on my uniform, I almost always get ‘Oh, you’re the guy that calls us all the time,'” he said.

“And my daughter and wife get asked all the time if I’m the guy who makes all the calls,” said MacAuley.


Town Schedules Meetings to Discuss Grove Street Playground Master Plan

The town of Belmont has announced a pair of public meetings targeting specific audiences in March to discuss the creation of a master plan for the Grove Street Playground.

The town’s Department of Public Works and Activitas Inc. – a Dedham-based development company that worked on the redevelopment of Belmont High School’s Harris Field – will be hosting two meetings in the Board of Selectmen Room of Belmont Town Hall as they begin writing a comprehensive long-term strategy for the heavily-used open space/playground on the Cambridge town-line in east Belmont. 

The first meeting will be on March 4 at 7 p.m. when Activitas Inc. and town officials will speak to neighborhood residents as they seek their input and to better understand their issues.

The second meeting is on March 9 at 7 p.m. when youth organizations representing soccer, baseball and other sports that use the playground will give their input to their concerns.

After the meetings, Activitas and town departments will discuss the public information acquired which will be used to set a course for the Master Plan.

Further public discussions will be scheduled with neighbors, youth organizations and others at future public meetings.

Belmont Fire Log: Damn the Ice Dams, Time Out for the Fire Alarm

Now that’s a deep sleep

Feb. 9 – Just a few minutes ’til 5 a.m., Engine 1 was sent to a two-family on Harding Avenue because a smoke detractor was blaring and blaring. The people on the first floor said the second-floor residents were there, but they could not raise them. The crew forced their way into the apartment where they discovered visible smoke in the unit. Firefighters found and woke up the sound sleepers and along with the first-floor residents were evacuated. Turns out the smoke came from the fireplace where a small blaze was filling the apartment with smoke. Yup, a resident, closed the flue before making sure the fire was completely out. The fire was put out, and the place ventilated.

Damn, that ice dam

Feb. 9 – At a quarter past 9 a.m., firefighters arrived at a Hawthorne Street house where a resident was having an issue with a small amount of water leaking through the ceiling. Turns out there was an ice dam behind the gutter. Unfortunately for the resident, “there was nothing we could do nothing to rectify the issue,” stated firefighters.

Low-tech solution 

Feb. 9 – About ten minutes past 2 p.m., Engine 2 was dispatched to a location on Richardson Road by the town’s Water Department to investigate water flowing around a sidewalk/retaining wall area. The water was running down an occupant’s driveway and into his garage. The sump pump wasn’t working because the water level in a garage too shallow. So firefighters dammed up the water at the sidewalk by using snow and pushed water into the street using the homeowner’s shovel.

A poke a day

Feb. 10 – At a quarter past 5 a.m., a concerned call came from a Clark Street resident: water was dripping through a first-floor ceiling. A crew member used a pike pole to penetrate the ceiling to relieve the pressure and direct the flow of water. The homeowner was advised to call a contractor to remove the snow from the roof and also to assess any interior water damage.

Smokey flavor

Feb. 10 – At a quarter ’til 8 p.m., crews were sent to a home on Birch Hill Road for smoke in the house. Since it was around dinner time, one would suspect something to do with cooking causing the incident. Sure enough; the owner forgot about the food he was cooking on the stove top.

More damned dams

Feb. 11– At a quarter ’til 8 a.m., Engine 1 cruised over to a house on Payson Terrace for a reported “small water leak” from a roof ice dam that was leaking through a light fixture. The resident was told not to use the light, and the circuit breaker was shut down to the fixture. Firefighters advised the resident to call a roofer or contractor to fix the leak and have an electrician look at the fixture before turning the circuit back on.

Another damn dam

Feb. 11 – At 5:24 p.m., units were dispatched to a multifamily on Gordon Terrace as was water was falling through the kitchen smoke detector. The firefighters removed the damaged smoke detector, and the hazard removed.

Time out, fire alarm

Feb. 11 – At just about 6:30 p.m., Engine 2, Ladder 1, and Rescue 1 were sent to the High School when the fire alarm activated. Was it smoke, fire, a leaking roof that set the alarm off? Try a basketball. As the Belmont/Lexington Girls’ Basketball match (see featured image) was underway on the ground floor of the Wenner Field House, someone in the upstairs “Little Gym” used a ball to hit the alarm with a bulls-eye of a shot. The alarm was reset, and the game resumed (which Belmont won.)

Where there’s smoke, it’s probably steam

Feb. 11 – At 9:23 p.m., Engine 1 was sent to Robin Wood Road close-by the Lexington line for the report of smoke in the area. It wasn’t smoke; it was steam vapor coming from the house.

Love stalled

On Valentine’s Day, just before 7 p.m., a crew was sent to a house on Benton Road to free an elderly resident who became trapped in a stalled elevator. They got the person out, AOK.

A Race for Belmont Selectman as Nomination Period Closed Tuesday

There will be a single competitive race for a town-wide office when Belmont voters go to the ballot at Town Election, April 7, after Town Clerk Ellen Cushman officially closed the nomination process at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 17.

Incumbent Andy Rojas and James Williams, a Town Meeting member from Precinct 8, will square off for the open seat on the Board of Selectmen while the other races will have either candidate seeking re-election or newcomers running unopposed.

Rojas will defend the seat he won three years ago by the narrowest of margins against Williams, a Glenn Road resident who came to live in Belmont in 2011.

If nothing drastically changes in the next seven weeks, the Belmont School Committee will welcome Susan Burgess-Cox to the group as she is the only resident to seek one of the two three-year terms up for grabs. The other candidate for a full-term is incumbent Lisa Fiore.

Current School Committee member Thomas Caputo is running unopposed to fill the remaining two years of the seat he was appointed to in November.

Tara Donner pulled nomination papers to run for a School Committee seat but did not return them to Cushman by Tuesday’s deadline.

Also running unopposed are:

  • Mike Widmer, Town Moderator
  • Martin B. Millane, Jr. (incumbent), Board of Assessors
  • Dr. David Alper (incumbent), Board of Health
  • Donna Brescia (incumbent), Belmont Housing Authority
  • Ellen Cushman (incumbent), Cemetery Commission

The race for the two seats on Board of Library Trustees saw Chair Matthew Lowrie did not seek re-election. In his place, Mary Alice Wistman, a past president of the Friends of the Belmont Public Library, will run to fill that seat.