Superheroes, Butler Students Run to Fund Programs

Photo: Is that Supergirl or first-grade teacher Jenna McNulty? (Photos credit to Michael Desmond Cox.) 

For the second year running, Belmont’s Samuel Butler Elementary School was overrun by superheroes taking part in the Butler Fun Run, which took place this year last Friday, Oct. 16. 

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Principal McAllister as Spiderman.

In reality, the school-wide run allowed students to collect donations for each lap completed the course (up to 1 mile) that will be used to fund enrichment programs such as field trips, in-school enrichment, library books, teacher supplies and professional development for the Butler staff.

This year, the students raised close to $18,000 while enjoying a brisk run and or walk on the course designed by PE teacher Ted Trodden. 

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First grade teacher Caeli McGaunn with student Jonathan Weinstein and his mom, Kate Weinstein.

Support BHS Making Strides Team While Supporting Small Businesses


Here’s a chance to shop at local Belmont small businesses while supporting the American Cancer Society.

The following nine merchants are generously offering promotions on certain days to help the Belmont High School’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer team. 

Each will donate a percentage of proceeds or a specified amount on certain days in October to the American Cancer Society through our Making Strides team. 

Last year the team raised more than $15,100, making it the third-ranked team in the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides High School Challenge for the metro area. 

Friday, Oct. 23: 15 percent of sales comes to our team at these stores in Belmont Center:


Sunday, Oct. 25: 40 percent of sales:

  • NICK’S PLACE II (Belmont Center) from 5 p.m. to 9 .m., either take out or delivery.  

Monday, Oct. 26: 15 percent of sales: 

  • MOOZY’S (near Cushing Square), Food and ice cream

Wednesday, Oct. 28: 15 percent of sales: 

  • BERTUCCI’S at ALEWIFE : 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Dine-in, take out or delivery
    You MUST present the coupon (either on your smartphone or as a hard copy)” \o “\”Bertucci coupon\” \t “_blank

Until Oct. 31: 100 percent of sales from:

  • BODY TRIO (yoga, pilates, barre)

Purchase any number of $10 class cards for students. Online click on the “Class Sign Up” button, and buy “Pinkapalooza Class Tickets”  OR In person (21 Alexander Ave.)  OR By telephone 617-489-1319 and make a credit card purchase.

Penultimate Farmers Market Focus on Cold Weather Crops

Photo: The sign of the times.

Only two market days remain in this season of the Belmont Farmers Market which is good news for those who stock up on cold weather crops.

Carrots, parsnips, leafy greens, and other cold-hardy crops actually get sweeter after frosty weather, as they produce sugar as protection from the freeze. 

The Belmont Farmers Market is open from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursdays until the final week of October. The market is located in the municipal parking lot at the intersection of Cross Street and Channing Road in Belmont Center.
Those monthly and occasional vendors coming by this week are Carlisle Honey, Couët Farm & Fromagerie, Fille de Ferme, Just Add Cooking and Turtle Creek Winery.
Schedule of Events
  • 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.: Music by The Hoot Owls
  • 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.: Storytime
  • 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.:  Music by The Harmonators

Ruggers Ready to Give a Hand with Inaugural Campus Clean Up


The Belmont High School Rugby Club is one of the most successful at the High School, winning a pair of state championships and respected in the rugby world as one of the best-run youth organizations in the sport.

This weekend, Belmont Rugby will provide a hand to the wider community with its inaugural “Campus Cleanup.’

Come join the Belmont High School Girls and Boys Rugby teams in an effort to clean our campus.

Who: All students, staff, residents and community groups are welcome.                                                  

What: Community service project to clean our campus.

When: Sunday, Oct. 25, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Where: Meet in the Wenner Field House parking lot by 1 p.m.

  • Trash bags and gloves will be provided; we just need yourselves. 
  • Community service hours provided; Please bring form for signature on the day

“This event is being organized by the boys and girls rugby teams and is a way for students to take a bit of pride in their campus and give back just a little bit,” said Belmont Rugby Head Coach and BHS teacher Greg Bruce.

“We will focus our efforts on the area surrounding the pond and the main school building, but will branch out across larger areas of the campus if our numbers warrant it,” he said. 

Craig Raubenheimer, an avid rugby supporter as well as CEO of Roan Solutions, a Cambridge-based IT support and consulting firm, is generously sponsoring the event and helping with supplies and food for the volunteers, said Bruce. 

MBTA, State To Discuss Waverley Station’s Future At Nov. 16 Meeting

Photo: Waverley Station/Fitchburg line.

The Belmont Board of Selectmen and officials from the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority and Massachusetts Department of Transportation are holding a public meeting next month to updated the public on the future of the Waverley Commuter Rail Station.

At an initial meeting held on  Sept. 28, the MBTA expressed a desire to build a new commuter rail station near the present Waverley station, either on Pleasant Street or to the west of the business center and closing down the existing stations at Waverley and adjacent Belmont Center.

The meeting, which will take place on Monday, Nov. 16, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Beech Street Center, 266 Beech St., will discuss:

  • potential options to bring the facility into required compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations,
  • the future of the Belmont Center Station, and
  • a possible new Belmont Station alternative on Pleasant Street, as well as other options.

The meeting is an opportunity for the public to provide ideas to the MBTA. Any resident or community member who has an interest in this matter is highly encouraged to attend.

View a power point presentation made by the MBTA to the selectmen on Sept. 28 at

In addition, State Sen. Will Brownsburger provides a detailed explanation and breakdown on why a small level of repairs could lead to the building of a new facility.

Mount Auburn Sponsoring 8-Week ‘Living with Cancer’ Workshop

Photo: Mt. Auburn Hospital. 

Cancer diagnosis brings with it a world of testing and treatments, as well as heavy emotional and physical demands. At times, these elements can seem overwhelming, but they don’t have to be.

Mount Auburn Hospital – the closest full-service hospital for Belmont residents – recognizes these difficulties and has developed its Mind/Body Medicine Program to help patients maintain good mental and emotional health through their treatment and recovery.

This fall, the hospital is pleased to present the Living with Cancer Workshop, an eight-week group focused on reducing stress and promoting resilience.

Participants will be introduced to relaxation techniques, meditation, spirituality, yoga, Tai chi, and nutrition. Unlike most other therapies, these techniques can be learned and practiced independently to foster the mind-body connection and ease the process. 

The workshop will meet every Tuesday for eight weeks from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. beginning Nov. 3 at Mount Auburn Hospital, 330 Mount Auburn St. in Cambridge.

This course is complementary to patients. To enroll, contact Meredith Hobson, LICSW at 617-499-5665 x 4664.

Founded in 1886, Mount Auburn Hospital is a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, with a mission is to deliver healthcare services in a personable, convenient and compassionate manner, with respect for the dignity of patients and their families.  

Ten Days of Paving On Trapelo Road Begins Monday, Oct. 19

Photo: Road work on Trapelo Road will last one week. 

It’s official; the town administrator’s office has released the schedule for the night time work on Trapelo Road as part of the $17.1 million state-financed Trapelo Road/Belmont Street Reconstruction Project.

Beginning Monday night, Oct. 19, Newport Construction will be paving the main thoroughfare.  Weather permitting, work is expected to be completed by Wednesday, Oct. 28 and will occur between 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.

The paving will occur from Mill Street to Cushing Square. 

Access to driveways along the work area may be restricted so residents should park on side streets away from Trapelo Road if you need access to your vehicle overnight.

Residents with questions should contact the office of Community Development at 617-993-2665.

Belmontians Stock Up on Winter Reading at Friend’s Sale

Photo: A final buyer on Sunday afternoon at the Friends of the Belmont Public Library’s Fall Book Sale. 

Nancy Dignan, president of the Friends of the Belmont Public Library, has a theory about the group’s annual fall book sale and the coming winter that doesn’t bode well for those hoping for a reprise from last year’s massive snow totals.

“People said they were loading up on books like they did last year feeling they’ll be stuck inside!” Dignan said Sunday afternoon, Oct. 18.


She and her crew of Friends and volunteers from the Chenery Middle School were waiting for the final shoppers fill books into grocery bags and boxes – only $5 a bag for as many books as you could carry – before  starting the final task of the two-day yearly sale: putting all the unwanted books into barrels that a recycler would take away.

“What’s not to like about a bag of books,” said one of the final stragglers before heading out the door. 

According to Dignan, this year’s sale “was very civil” with a half a dozen book dealers who came on Friday night’s Members sale “and we moved a lot of books.”

“This is one of our major fundraisers for the year, maybe 50 percent of what we raise comes from the annual book sale,” said Dignan, raising about $5,000 after expenses.

The money will go to funded discount passes to local museums, young adult and children’s programs, author and music series, the One Book One Belmont community read and other gifts to the library.

Annual Belmont Boosters Fund Drive This Sunday

Photo: “B” there.

On Sunday, Oct. 18 from around noon to 2 p.m., Belmont High’s student-athletes will be traveling around town knocking on doors in support of Belmont Booster’s annual fund drive.

The students will be seeking donations in exchange for your very own “B” decal – a snazzy item, indeed.

The fund drive helps the Boosters’ mission to provide funding for items that are outside the athletic budgets. The Boosters have contributed $170,000 in the past six years towards the purchases and improvements of new football and softball scoreboards, the wrestling clock, the Hockey Rink P.A. systems, new trophy cases, Belmont Marauders club car, coaches training and equipment, Marauder spirit flags, the 2014 renovation of White’s field house, the 2015 renovation of the Fitness room and 2015 installation of new flooring for the Wenner field house.

Annually the Boosters provide the jackets awarded at the seasonal athletic awards nights, championship banners in the field house and the team captain leadership program.

This Week: Harry Potter Fans, Hanneke Cassel Band Concert Thursday

Photo: The Hanneke Cassel Band.

On the government side of “This Week”:

  • The Board of Selectmen is holding an abbreviated morning public meeting at Town Hall on Monday, Oct. 19 at 8 a.m. in which there will be the usual granting of licenses and hear from the Town Administrator. 
  • The Belmont School Committee holds its annual Boston meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at the Shelburne Community Center at 2730 Washington St. in Roxbury beginning with a reception at 6 p.m. with the meeting starting at 6:30 p.m. when the committee will update the METCO program in Belmont. 
  • The Town of Belmont Energy Committee will discuss the Solarize Belmont initiative which is part of Belmont Light’s new Solar Policy at its meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 8 a.m. in Town Hall. 
  • The Belmont Cultural Council will meet at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 22 at Town Hall to discuss grant applicants and guidelines for receiving money from the group. 

• The Teen Book Club for 9th to 12th Graders will meet on Monday, Oct. 19 at 7 p.m. in the Belmont Public Library’s Flett Room to discuss Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Snacks will be provided. If you have any questions, please e-mail Kylie Sparks at or call 617-993-2873.

Tuesday is story time at both of Belmont libraries.

  • Pre-School Story Time at the Benton Library, Belmont’s independent and volunteer-run library, at 10:30 a.m. Stories and crafts for children age 3 to 5. Parents or caregivers must attend. Siblings may attend with adults. Registration is not required. The Benton Library is located at the intersection of Oakley and Old Middlesex.
  • Pre-School Storytime at the Belmont Public beginning at 9:30 a.m.We’ll read longer books, sing and dance, and make simple crafts. For 3-5-year-olds with a longer attention span.

• Kelsey Perkins from US Rep. Katherine Clark’s office will be holding office hours at the Beech Street Center, 266 Beech St., from noon to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 20.

• Storytime for 1’s is for walkers and toddlers under 24 months will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 21, at 10:30 a.m. in the library’s Flett Room. They will share simple stories, songs, and nursery rhymes, and end with time to play.

• It’s early-release day for students at the Chenery Middle School on Wednesday, Oct. 21..

• The International Fiction Book Club will discuss Please Look After Mom by Kyung-sook Shin on Wednesday. Oct 21 at 7 p.m. in the Flett Room. Come for fun conversation, tea and snacks.  Everybody is welcome. If you have a question, or need help finding a copy of the book, contact Kylie at The book club is a great way to explore different cultures and read great books international fiction books.

• Hogwart lovers, the Belmont Public Library is hosting the Harry Potter Fan Club on Thursday, Oct. 22 from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Flett Room. 

• The Belmont Public Library’s OTAKUrabu program offers students (7th to 12th grades) the chance to watch anime, do a craft/activity, plan for future events and nibble on some Japanese snacks (while they last – they’ll go fast) on Thursday, Oct. 22, from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Assembly Room. Provided to you for free, thanks to the Friends of the Belmont Public Library. Just drop in, no registration required.

• After spending a two-day residency at Belmont High, the Hanneke Cassel Band will perform in concert on Thursday, Oct 22, at 7 p.m., in the school’s auditorium. This concert is free and family friendly. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Both high school and middle school string students will perform on the first half of the show, followed by a second set of the Hanneke Cassel Band – Hanneke Cassel, violin; Mike Block, cello; Christopher Lewis, guitar – showing off their fan favorites. 

• The Belmont Historical Society welcomes historian Doug Stewart who will speak on “Massachusetts’ Role in the 19th Century China Trade” (including Belmont’s) on Thursday, Oct. 22 from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Belmont Public Library’s Assembly Room. 

• Literacy Playgroup is a parent and child group that supports child’s language and literacy development on Friday, Oct. 23, 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. in Flett Room. You’ll play, read, sing and take home new ideas. Presented by educators from the CFCE grant program; for children age 4 and under.