Belmont’s Second Gun Buy Back Set for June 11

Photo: A gun buy back in Florida.

There is a perception that gun buyback programs should be concentrated in high crime areas, Belmont Assistant Police Chief James MacIsaac told the Belmont Board of Selectmen at its meeting Monday, May 23. 

“So it was bit surprising two years ago that we discovered there was a real need for this event in Belmont,” MacIsaac told the Belmontonian after the meeting. 

After a total of 62 guns were brought in 2014, Belmont Police Department and private religious groups have once again joined together to hold a second gun buyback event, this time in coordination with neighboring police departments.

The regional event will occur on Saturday, June 11, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Belmont DPW Yard, 37 C Street. 

Belmont Police is partnering with their colleagues in Arlington, Cambridge, Somerville, Watertown, the Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office, the Belmont Religious Council and individual houses of worship including co-sponsors:

  • All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 
  • Belmont-Watertown United Methodist Church,
  • Beth El Temple,
  • First Baptist Church of Belmont,
  • First Church Belmont, Unitarian Universalists,
  • Plymouth Congregational Church, and
  • New Roads Catholic Community.

The buy back allows residents a safe way to dispose of unwanted firearms and ammunition, no questions asked. All firearms turned in at the gun buyback were turned over to the Massachusetts State Police to be destroyed.

During the inaugural purchase in 2014, a variety of firearms were accepted including, rifles, shotguns, pistols and a sawed-off 12 gauge shotgun.

MacIsaac said in addition to peace of mind, safer house and community, participants will receive gift cards to local grocery stores – purchased by the religious organizations – when they drop off their unwanted firearms. The Belmont Police ask that firearms be transported inside vehicle trunks unloaded, safety engaged, inside a box, bag or case. There is no limit to the number of firearms that can be turned in. 

Belmont Police is asking that firearms be transported inside vehicle trunks unloaded, safety engaged, inside a box, bag or case. There is no limit to the number of firearms that can be turned in. Belmont police has set up the following special phone line to receive questions and/or requests for assistance in safely transporting firearms: 617-993-2529

The Belmont Police Department and Middlesex Sherriff’s Office will provide on-duty officers at the event to receive weapons for the safe storage, followed by destruction in accordance with state law. 
For more information go to 

To make a tax-deductible donation, please make the check payable to: Belmont Religious Council (Belmont Gun Buy Back in the Memo line) and mail to 

BRC c/o David Alper

One Oak Avenue

Belmont, MA 02478  

Fun, Food, Dogs, Dunk Tank and Classic Cars: Belmont Town Day This Saturday

Photo: Belmont Town Day on Saturday.

Food, animals, kiddy carnival rides, a dog show, classic cars, live music, a dunk tank and thousands of residents on Leonard Street can only mean one thing: the 26th annual Belmont Town Day is Saturday, May 21, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Proudly sponsored by Belmont Savings Bank and run by the Belmont Center Business Association, the yearly event closes down Belmont’s largest business hub so families, friends and gaggles of kids (and especially teens) can wander up and down the High Street to eat samples from the Center’s eateries, listen – and dance – to a live rock band, view classic cars at Belmont Savings (and vote on your favorite) and visit approximately 60 tables set up by businesses, schools and local groups and organizations, several with interesting raffles items.

This year, there will be a photo booth for families with World Marathon Challenge finisher Becca Pizzi.  

And there will be a dunk tank near il Casale. Three chances to throw a strike and knock a kid into freezing water. 


“Belmont Savings once again looks forward to welcoming everyone at this year’s Town Day on May 21, which promises to offer the most fun-filled tribute to the Town of Belmont yet,” said Bob Mahoney, President and CEO of Belmont Savings Bank.

“This year, the bank encourages Belmont families and Town Day attendees to stop by our sixth annual car show, our third annual dog show and – for the first time – a photo booth with World Marathon Challenger, and local resident, Becca Pizzi.”

Belmont Savings’ third annual dog show will begin at noon on the main stage. Prizes will be awarded for categories such as Best Trick and Cutest Puppy. Town Day attendees will select the “best-in-show” by the loudest applause. “Best-in-show” will receive a $100 Belmont Pet Supply gift card while each entrant will receive a gift bag.

The Town Day schedule includes face painting in front of the Belmont Savings main branch located at 2 Leonard Street and pony rides from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. under the Leonard Street Bridge, also sponsored by Belmont Savings.

This year a photo booth for families with Becca Pizzi will be open from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Pizzi completed the 2016 World Marathon Challenge, participating in seven marathons on seven continents in seven days. The 35-year-old business owner, manager, and mother held the fastest time in the women’s category and placed third overall. Last April, Belmont Savings sponsored the first-ever Becca Pizzi Family Fun Run 5k and 1-mile kids run.

Belmont Savings introduced the car exhibit in 2011, giving proud area collectors an opportunity to show off their pristine cars. Originally showcasing 12 cars, the show has grown to more than 40 cars. The cars will be at 2 Leonard Street and along Moore Street in Belmont Center.

Attendees will also have a chance to enter the cash cube adjacent to the Belmont Savings booth, where they can try their luck at catching flying dollar bills. Running from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., participants may enter the cash cube, with half the collected dollars being donated to the Foundation for Belmont Education.

Perennials, Please! Garden Club Yearly Plant Sale Saturday, May 21

Photo: The annual plant sale on Saturday.

Belmont Town Day would be incomplete if you did take home something for your garden or that empty patch from the Belmont Garden Club’s 2016 Annual Perennial Sale.

The plants are grown by the members and include shade and sun-loving perennials, annuals and herbs. 

The sale takes place from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 21 in front of The Lions Club adjacent the MBTA commuter rail station, at the intersection of Common Street and Royal Road. 

The proceeds raised from this annual event help fund the club’s community projects and its scholarship fund.

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Belmont High Senior Prom Today; Promenade Begins At 4 PM

Photo: The pre-prom promenade

Be advised to drive carefully through Belmont this afternoon as residents will be blocking the roadway with their vehicles as others haphazardly cross the street to get a good look at what’s happening.

Are people staring at the aftermath of an accident? Is a natural phenomenon about to occur which residents want a good look?

It turns out the gawking is connected to an annual occurrence in which many teens are transformed from ultra casual to totally chic, having photos taken in front yards or at Clay Pit Pond in Belmont’s version of “Fashion Week.”

That’s because Friday is Belmont High School Senior/Junior Prom.

What is becoming a great annual community event will begin at approximately 4 p.m. as the students  attending the big dance will take part in the Pre-Prom Promenade, in which the high schoolers are “presented” before fawning parents, siblings, friends and the public in the Belmont High School auditorium.

The students will then head into the cafeteria (for the “once over” by school officials) before boarding buses to take them to a ritzy hotel for a night of dancing and fun.

Curtain Rises on Chenery’s Production of ‘Cinderella’ This Week

Photo: The opening scene from the Chenery Middle School production of “Cinderella.” 

The curtain goes up for the Chenery Middle School production of Rogers and Hammerstein’s ‘Cinderella,” with performances at 7 p.m., Thursday through Saturday, May 19, 20 and 21.

Under the direction of the school’s new Theater Director, Paige Revens, more than 60 students will take part in the production, from featured singers, dancers, chorus and more than a dozen leads. 

“Please come and support our CMS students, and take advantage of the opportunity to share a theater experience with your children of all ages,” said Revens.

Student tickets are $8, and adult tickets are $10 when purchased online at Tickets will be sold at the door for $12. 

Dressing Room

The dressing room scene from the Chenery production of “Cinderella.”

The Write Stuff: Blacker Awards Presented Wednesday, May 18

Photo: The Blacker Awards.

The Belmont High School English Department invite residents and the public to the presentation of the annual Lillian F. Blacker Prizes for Excellence in Writing this Wednesday, May 18, at 6:30 p.m. in the Peter Holland Library at Belmont High School. 

This year, three seniors; Sophie Klimasmith, Emma Pierce-Hoffman, and Abi Judge, will be honored for their outstanding writing. 

The Blacker Prizes are presented each year to three BHS seniors for outstanding writing ability on their senior theses. Each senior reads, researches, and writes a lengthy thesis paper investigating a literary topic. English faculty members determine the winners after an extensive reading process.

At the awards ceremony, the Blacker Prize winners will read from their papers and discuss the evolution of their ideas. Underclassmen are encouraged to attend the ceremony to learn more about the senior thesis process. Refreshments will be served.

Community Dialogue on Impact of Mental Health, This Tuesday

Photo: The Belmont Health Collaborative.

The Belmont Health Collaborative will be holding a community dialogue on “Exploring and Sharing – A Look at Mental Health and its Impact on our Lives” on Tuesday, May 17 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Belmont Public Library’s Assembly Room.

The event is for people who struggle with mental illness and for the families and friends of those who struggle. The collaborative invites the public to come together, share stories, lend support, and learn about local resources. 

The dialogue will begin by hearing briefly from a panel of individuals living with mental illness, family member and professionals.

“We hope you will consider sharing your experiences and concerns as well. Let’s engage together in this important conversation,” said the Collaborative’s Lisa Gibalerio.

For more information or questions:

LGibalerio@BelmontHealthCollaborative or Stacey at 617-932-9310.

Belmont DPW Recycling Event, Saturday, May 14

Photo: Recycling event, Saturday, May 14.

Belmont is holding its annual town-wide Recycling Event this Saturday, May 14 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Department of Public Works Town Yard, 37 C St.

It will be a one-day drop off of the following items:

  • Rigid plastics
  • Textiles
  • Styrofoam
  • Paper shredding (with a secure mobile document shredding)

For more information: call 617-993-2689 or learn more online at:


Spring Clean All Electronics at Butler Elementary’s Recycling Day

Photo: Recycle all electronics.

The annual Butler Elementary PTA Electronics Recycle Day will take place this Saturday, May 14, from 8:30 a.m. at the school, 90 White St.

It’s time to “Spring Clean”, so head out to your garages, into the forbidden closets and damp and scary basements. Prices charged are:

  • $10 each for computer monitors
  • $15 each for TVs 27” diagonal or less
  • $20 each for TVs more than 27” diagonal or wood console TVs
  • $25 each for projection TVs
  • $15 each for large appliances (examples: washers, dryers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, etc.)
  • $35 for “all you can bring”: laptops, CPUs, cameras, CD-ROM/DVD drives, servers, speakers, iPods & accessories, computer accessories, mice, keyboards, video equipment, copy/fax/scanner/printers, wires and parts, plugs, audio equipment, phones and phone systems, DVD players, stereos, UPS (backup systems), VCRs, walkmans & microwaves

Prices are lower than the town, and no need to purchase pickup stickers. Don’t miss this opportunity to de-clutter and free up space. We look forward to seeing you there! Please share with others!

We accept cash or checks only!