Photo: Ellen Cushman, Belmont Town Clerk, at the town’s drop box for voting.
The presidential election 2020 is just two weeks away but there is still time for residents to register and actually cast your vote, according to Belmont Town Clerk Ellen O’Brien Cushman.
Voter Registration Deadline is Oct. 24
The deadline to register to vote and qualify to vote Nov. 3 is fast approaching. If you would like to register and have a Massachusetts Driver’s license or State-issued ID, you can register online at Alternatively, a mail-in voter registration application can be downloaded from the State’s website:
In– Person Early Voting Dates and Times
In-Person Early Voting Statewide will be available from Saturday, Oct. 17 through Friday, Oct. 30. In Belmont, all In-Person Early Voting will take place at Town Hall. Belmont’s In-Person Early Voting hours can be found here.
Vote By Mail Early/Absentee Ballots
The deadline to submit your Vote by Mail application is Wednesday, Oct. 28. More than 10,000 Vote By Mail Ballot requests have been fulfilled.
We encourage those voters who have received their Vote by Mail Early/Absentee ballots to vote them as soon as the voter has made their choices and return the ballot immediately. Your returned voted ballots will be secured in our vaults and included in the Election Day results.
Voters can watch the status of their ballot request and returned ballot at ; it can take up to three days to be recorded.
Vote by Mail Early/Absentee ballots may be returned to
- the Town Clerk by mail to 455 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA 02478 or
- In the Town Clerk’s drop box located at the base of the steps to Town Hall on the left side of the driveway.
The Town Clerk is the only one with a key to the drop box. Ballots placed in the drop box are treated the same way as Early Voting ballots cast in person.
If you requested and received a Vote by Mail Early/Absentee ballot and want it to count, it must be returned to the Town Clerk drop box at Town Hall by 8 p.m. Nov. 3. Ballots that are mailed must be postmarked in the US by 8 p.m., Nov. 3 and received by the Town Clerk no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 6. Ballots mailed outside the US must arrive by 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 13. Ballots cannot be delivered to your voting precinct. The US Post Office recommends mailing all ballots by Oct. 27.
Where to Obtain Applications to Register to Vote or Vote by Mail
All applications mentioned above can be found at the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Elections portal,. Print, complete and sign and drop the signed form in the Town Clerk Drop Box at the base of the Town Hall steps on the left side of the driveway. There is also a small box on top of the Town Clerk Drop Box that contains paper voter registration forms and Vote By Mail Applications.