- Article 1: Reports (there will be no reports this evening.)
- Article 2: Authorize the Board of Selectmen to represent the town’s legal interests.
- Article 3: That the Town accepts the provisions of Chapter 90, section 17C of the Massachusetts General Laws that reduces the speed limit to 25 mph in thickly settled areas of town.
- Article 4: A vote to amend the General Bylaws pertaining to Section
60-320, ‘Demolition Delay’, proposed by the Historic District Commmision.
- Article 5: Amend the Zoning By-Law pertaining to Sections 1.4, ‘Definitions and Abbreviations’ and 5.2, ‘Signs.’
- Article 6: Amend the Zoning By-Law pertaining to inserting a new Section 9, ‘Marijuana Establishment Temporary Moratorium.’
- Article 7: Individual votes on the five projects put forward by the Community Preservation Committee.
- Article 8: Refer to a study committee the article that would increase the membership of the Board of Selectmen from three to five members.
- Article 9: Empower the Board of Selectmen to consider all options for waste management in the town, including waste metering such as pay-as-you-throw systems, as part of their ongoing role as financial managers of the town.
- Article 10: Welcoming Town designation.
On Wednesday, May 3, the annual meeting will close temporarily to allow for a Special Town Meeting to convene. The Special Town Meeting will have two articles requesting the state legislature to enact legislation to limit the transfer of licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages.