Photo: Belmont Town Meeting.
Seven down, three to go as Belmont’s annual Town Meeting convenes tonight, Monday, May 8 at 7 p.m. to take up the last warrant articles remaining in the meeting’s first segment.
Town Meeting is traditionally broken up into two segments, A and B with the first sessions dealing with non-financial articles – except for the five projects being presented by the Community Preservation Committee.egment B sessions will deal with the financial articles and will be held in June.
Segment B sessions will deal with the financial articles and will be held in June.
The final trio of non-budgetary legislative actions Town Meeting will debate and vote on are:
- Article 8: Refer to a study committee the article that would increase the membership of the Board of Selectmen from three to five members.
- Article 9: Empower the Board of Selectmen to consider all options for waste management in the town, including waste metering such as pay-as-you-throw systems, as part of their ongoing role as financial managers of the town.
- Article 10: Welcoming Town designation.
Article 9 pay as you throw system. The only good thing that might come out of it is maybe people will recycle more..don’t charge for recycled .The down side to pay as you throw I think people will start dumping their trash every .Here some thing you should think of doing if some one is having a state sale or selling there house the owne of the property pull a permit to cover the extra trash. Same apply to people how have 2/3 family houses when the tenent moves out more trash .so instead the people of the town pay more the landlord or the people moving out should pay for the extra trash .
Article 8 would have a 13 person committee to study the issue.