• They are holding a “Peeps” show at the library. But nothing more risqué than placing the lovable marshmallow yellow chicks into scenes as the Belmont Public Library hosts its annual Peeps Diorama Party from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Assembly Room. Peeps shows and contests are gaining in popularity across the country; the esteem Washington Post has held a contest for the past five years with great readers interest.
• Yesterday was the last day to file a federal income tax return but the Massachusetts Department of Revenue has given state filers an extension until midnight this Friday, April 18, because of delays with its electronic filing system.
• World Book Night, which will occur on April 23, is an international effort in which members of the public apply to personally hand out 20 copies of a particular book (of 35 titles selected each year by a panel of librarians and booksellers) in their community to teens and adults who are light- or non-readers. Meet other World Book Night book givers and enjoy tea and cookies in the Young Adult Room of the Belmont Public Library from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Interested in being a WBN giver? Stop by & chat with this year’s givers. RSVP 617-993-2877.
• The boys are back: Boys’ Tennis will host Woburn on the High School’s courts at 3:30 p.m. and Boys’ Lacrosse will take on Wilmington on Harris Field at 4:30 p.m.